dollartree_us's Kaboodle profile
Ladies,Welcome to my online store,Experience
DOLLARTREE.US commitment to bringing you the best in replica designer handbags.Lousi Vuitton handbags,Chanel handbags,Gucci handbags,Prada handbags,Burberry handbags,Hermes,Dior,Miumiu,Marc Jacobs,Balenciaga...
welcome to my new online store offers wholesale Louis Vuitton and wholesale brand replica purses, wallets, and handbags.
They are high end replica--look 100% authentic.
:)No one will know you didn't purchase this at the Brand store. Same bags are selling as authentic for thousands of dollars on ebay and those buyers have no idea they purchased a high end replica.
1. all of our bags are made of genuine leather and top hardware,come with dustbag,serial number and all of accessories.
2. payment accept western union moneygram,credit card
3. shipping via EMS with tracking number,it take 6-8 days to deliver.
4. returning policy,if for any reason,you aren’t satisfied with the item ,we will be happy to accept a return in its original condition within 3 days of receipt.we don’t refund the shipping charges