
Chanel elegant tassel accessories

Tassel is the recent hot element, it seems Chanel no exception, in the spring of Starting Point series introduced the tassels and jewelry, but compared to other brands of rock stylish, Chanel's even more gorgeous elegant tassels, and a perfect blend of brand identity together.

Light golden hue is more elegant than golden yellow
First of all, gold is very ornate, and light golden hue is more elegant than golden yellow; fine design and quality processes reveal brand character, thick chain and different sizes of pearl decoration makes the jewelry more dynamic, rich layers, especially the double-C logo brooches, tassels density changes in the rhythm of the delicate, pearl pendant side by side with the beat. Necklace design is also quite comprehensive, the other tasselsnecklace only heavy tassel part,Chanel chain connect with the interval of pearl,behind with two long logo pendant chain,wear it whether facade or black effect distinction.

Chanel's tassel with brand identity perfectly together
Chanel jewelry can be used with a dark suit, definitely add the finishing touch, you can brand with spring and summer of beige, the white line, jewelry is not too prominent, but overall brilliant.
